Saturday, 29 December 2018

The Encouragement Speech of Ashin Htavara Norway On The 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit 4Th, Anniversary of WARP Summit

Image may contain: 1 personThe Encouragement Speech of Ashin Htavara Norway
The 2018 HWPL World Peace Summit 4Th, Anniversary of WARP Summit

Welcome to all Honourable HWPL Leaders and all representatives and participants
I am glad and thanksful to have a great chance to deliver a little note of Encouragement to all my colleagues of HWPL of the World..
I have been cooperating with HWPL Organization for three years by now. As I have known that HWPL Chairperson Hee Lee has stronged desire to change the World towards Peace by raising up love and kindness within all human societies in different ways.
I have been appointed as en embassador of Peace Messenger for my regional country
Norway. Now I am working with my best as being Peace Embassador for all assignments given from HWPL's responsible country leaders.Image may contain: 4 people
I am thanksful to all HWPL leaders and all responsible persons to have great opportunity of cooperating with HWPL and all colleagues. I willingly would like to greet
and encourage to all friends and participants of HWPL organization and IPYG in different countries of the World. I would like to send my best wishes to all of you to be fulfilled with Peace, Happiness, and Prosperous.
I do have stronged desire to cooperate with HWPL Chairperson Hee Lee towards
World Peace in the future.
On behalf of all world people I strongly would like to request and to urge to all UNO
Leaders to do amendment of World Laws to be better Peace in the World as soon as
Wishing you all people of the World to be fulfilled with great Happiness, Peace and Prosperous.Image may contain: 6 people, including Ashin Cittara, people smiling


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