Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Brief History of Sangha Movement in 2007 (saffron Revolution in Burma)

Brief History of Sangha Movement in 2007 (saffron Revolution in

 Saffron revolution was the outcome of inhuman action and maladministration of the military government (the junta). I, Ashiin Htarwara, personally partake in a movement.
 In 2007, the rising prices of basic needs and patrol drove the 88 generation to stand on the road and demand for relief. People have been suffering from poverty as well as oppression over 6 decades. In a situation of constant fear, Monks followed the Buddha’s ritual and stood with the justice for the public.

On behalf of the suffering people, monks stepped up on the road and prayed for compassion in a purpose telling the state indirectly to perform is duty to care the people. Accusing monks undermining religious teaching by performing religious demonstration, U Pyinnyar Sakka and U Pyinnyar Nandar were tied to the lamp posts and beaten brutally by SPDC members. This brutal action was unusual and motivated the justice defenders to partake in religious demonstration. Among them, supporting All Burma Monks Alliance’s statement, Ashin Htarwara distributed leaflets protesting SPSC’s lawlessness activities to monasteries and among the public on 6 September in Rangoon. On 19 September 2007, he was offered as the General Secretary of ABMRC after his active participation in demonstration against the junta on 17 Sep.

After the ABMRC was cracked down, the junta announced through kyimon newspaper to arrest him on 25 Oct. He therefore fled to RAkhine Mountain Ranges, continuously to Takkanar port on the Bangladeshi border on 22 Jan 2008. Currently, he is fighting the junta from the office of ABMRC in Bangladesh.

Peacefully pray of compassion is the Buddha’s mean to end calamity. Instead of advocating Buddha’s ritual, the junta though they believe in Buddhism treated monks as enemies. This treatment is the worst history of the junta in history of Buddhism of Burma.

Ultimately, the Monks who abide the pure Buddha
S ritual obliged to conduct ‘pattaneikkuzana’ rite, the rite of excommunication, to halt the inhuman act of the junta in current as well as in future.
The Reasons for Performing Patteneikkuzana Rite are;

  1. an attempt preventing the monks from obtaining four types of substantive things
  2. an attempt endangering the monks and preventing him from material developments of substantive needs.
  3. An attempt preventing the monks from residing the appropriate place.
  4. An attempt abusing verbally abusing ten types of swearing.
  5. An attempt splitting up the integrated body of monks.
  6. Censuring the benevolence of Buddha
  7. Censuring the benefits of  Buddha’s preaching
  8. Censuring the benevolence of the Sangha (the Order of Monks).

The above 8 factors could drive the Monks to conduct the rite of excommunication for the sake of Sarsana and of the goodness of the people as a whole.

Unbearable over the suffering of the civilians, around 500 monks marched on the rode in rows and recited the compassion prayer for the people while demanding the SPDC to tackle the problem of substantive needs of the people.

However, instead of performing the state’s duty, the SPDC exposed its real attitudes of power preserving by ordering to brutally crack down the Buddha’s ritual and people’s will. The incident of tying and beating U Pyinnyar Sakka and U Pyinnar Nanda to death was the good instance of SPDS’s evil action.

The Suffron Revolution, beginning at 11: 30 am on 17 Sep 2007, was the outcome of the inhuman action of the SPDC. More than 1,000 monks, 5, ooo students and people marched on foot from the Shwedagon Pagoda, reiting prayers for compassion, and ended at 4:00 pm. During marching through the appropriate routes, many people took out of their home and offered the medicine, clean water, etc.

On this occasion, monks were forcible forbad the climb up into the platforms of the Shwedagon Pagoda, the Sule Pagoda and the Potautang Pagoda and in middle terrace the Shwedagon Pagoda , there were full of military vehicles and of soldiers, members of union Solidarity and Development Association, Lords of Power and security polices who are ready for action.

At noon on 19 , Sep 2007, more than 10000 monks and 70000 students and people marched and recited prayers on foot from the Shwedagon Pagoda crassing through Armerican Embassy, India Embassy, Theignyi Market. In the evening , all Burma Monks Representative Committee, composed of 15 monks, was formed with the support and wishes of all monks, nuns, students nuns people.

On 20, Sep 2007, marching prayers was going on. At the ssme day, there was a rice offering ceremony’ for the monks at Kyaikkasan Township, arranged by General Myint Shwe, Rangoon Division Commander. The attitude behind the ceremony was to reduce the strength of marching prayers. The attempt of the Junta failed because under the command of the excommunication rite (Patteaneikkazana) performed by ABMRC, no monks shall accept the donation from military personals. In order to fulfil the substantive needs of Monks (monastery , robes, alms and medicine),, a group of 15 persons was formed with the support of public.

On 22 Sep 2007, marching from the Shwedagon Pagoda at noon , while crossing current Daw Suu’s house , she came out of her house to pay homage to monks. The monks stood in unison and recited compassion prayers about 15 minutes and she politely was listening the prayers with falling tears while over 30 members of security police standing in front of her.

Suffron revolution inspired the sprit of the people. Based on the sprit of Justice , people raised the slogans repeatly “May Mother Suu in good health” , Success to the Democracy Struggle”.

During marching the prayers on 23 Sep 2007, Ko Aung Way (the Poet) , Ko Kyaw Kyaw (Chairmen), Ashin Htarwara (General Secretary of ABMRA), delivered the speeches for unity , development and reconciliation.

I concluded that if the junta does not work on solution, our monks will join the people partaking in the saffron revolution without fear till the end.

At 8.00 am on 26 Sep 2009, when the monks arrived for gathering at the Shwedagon Pagoda, there were about 60 military vehicles. Many of members of USDA, Lords of the Power, former prisoners many unknown were already at Pagoda. Though I had conservation with the trustees of the Pagoda, who were the ranks of Mayor and general in military services, the attempt of compromising failed. In a event of answering the questions from those trustees, I explained the relationship between citizens and the State, and the role State (government) to care for the people.

Failure to be the services of the state, the SPDC ordered the Chin Troops from light infantry battalion (77) arrived and killed the monks, students and people indiscriminately. In the incidents, U Sandar Thiri and three monks were killed. About 1000 of monks, students and people were injured. Nearly 6000 were arrested. Five monks and seven students were beaten to death inhumanely under custody.

On 27 Sep, soldiers, security forces and member of USDA were everywhere in Rangoon. I personally witnessed that the troops fired and killed the protesters, including the Japanese.

At night, the troops violently raided South Okkalar Ngwe Kyar Yan Pariyatti Buddhist monastery. Continuously, more than 40000 monks, nuns and students were arrested.

On 29 Sep onward, the junta cracked down the demonstration by using all kinds of methods, and curfew was declared for 45 days at that night.

According to the list issued by all Burma Monks Association, there were 27 death, and 9000 detainees. Such inhuman action was unbearable and I call upon all those who love justice and the rule of law to keep the struggle for democracy and for the goodness of the people as a whole till the attainment of second independence.


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