Sunday, 7 October 2018

HWPL Peace Library Opening Ceremony in Myanmar

Peace Library Opening Ceremony

Hope most of all Myanmar people know very well about  Shwe Wah Yong ( OR)  Monks Safferon Revolution in Myanmar in 2007.
Ashin U Htavara was one of activists monks leaders in Safferoin revolution  to fight for Peaxce and Democracy to alive in Myanmar.
Today,even he is living in Norway, he never foreget his beloved country people and he has tried his best to support  his country development as a part of  fulfilling his people  from side of education by builkding a suitable buildingf and facilitating the neccessary books by the namw of Peace Library in his native place today. 
Ashin Htavara  would like to fulfill to all children and people with educational supports as much as he can, he wish all people to read more and more books..This is the first time he supported as a Peace Library in Myanmar. 
Ashin U Htavara is working and coordinating with South Korea based World Peace  HWPL,He is working hard for World Peace as much as he can coorperating with Korea Based HWPl.As to say, just recently two weeks back on 14th.May.2018. Ashin Htavara was participated at Peace Conferance in Sweden and He had a chance to deliver aPeace Speech at that Peace Conferance and not only then Ashin U Htavara was appointed as Peace Embassador at that Peace Conferance in Sweden. And Also Ashin U Htavara was participated another Religious Peace Conferance in Norway on 19.May.2018 at Thai temple and Hindu Temple with Some religious leaders of Thai monks and some Hindu religious leaders.The Religious Peace Conferance was well organized  and arranged by Korea based World Peace Organization HWPL.
      At the Opening of this Peace Library in Myanmar, Ashin U Htavara and Korea based HWPL would like to display some photoes of Peace movements and activites of  Korea based 
World Peace Organization HWPl. on the opening day of this Peace Library. Ashin U Htavara  sincerely would like to invite you all and participate at the opening ceremony. of this Peace Library.

The Opening date:-      On Saturday.02.June.2018

 The Opening Time:-     On Saturday Morning at 9 am.
eary School
 Place of Opening:        No. ( 69 ) Primary School
                                     Kyone Paine Village,Phyar Bone Township,Irrawady State Division.

Responsible persons of Peace Library:-

    Name:- Ashin Kuthala, Telephoine:- 09791562005, -09400577711

    Name:-Daw Khin Khin Myint  ( or ) Daw Mu Mu ( School Principle ),Phone:- 09250123420,-09780412431


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